About Mary

Sometimes I like to expand a moment or a thought by sharing it with others to offer inspiration, encouragement and resonance, so I created this blog to do just that.

I have another blog that was created to share about my spiritual journey in India.  That blog led to my book, Unwitting Mystic: Evolution of The Message of Love.  You can read my extraordinary story  by clicking on the book link on the home page of this blog, or by visiting The Daily Lama: http://thedailylama.blogspot.com/.

8 thoughts on “About Mary

  1. Mary, you are such a gift. You always touch my soul with your words, your spirituality, your love and your humanity. When I read your words, it is as though you are speaking directly to me and can see right into my soul. Thank you so much for all that you share with us.

  2. Mary, I shared your latest blog on my facebook page and so many were touched by it, as was I. Thank you for your wise words. I look forward to reading more of your writings! To the beautiful year ahead……blessings

  3. Mary, your writing and soul are so inspirational! I just shared the link to your blog to my daughter who is suffering from a broken heart. It hurts to see her so sad… I believe your words will help her through this emotional time.

    Many blessings to you!

  4. Dear Mary,
    I so enjoyed meeting you at Alicia’s retreat in June. Your whole being radiates light and love! I am deeply,pained to learn of what has been happening at Vallecitos, and selfishly, very sorry that I won’t be in your blessed company this week. I hope our paths will cross again!
    Anne Dellenbaugh

    • Bless you for your kind words and for being in touch, Anne. It was wonderful to meet you as well and I do hope our paths cross again soon. (More than just an airport wave next time!) Much love and light, Mary.

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